Remarks by UN Resident Coordinator Marc-André Franche at Compass 2024 – Towards A Resilient Future Through Corporate Impact
24 January 2024
At Compass 2024, Global Compact Network Sri Lanka introduced the Forward Faster initiative locally to ignite private sector leadership in driving social change.
Caption: Marc-André Franche, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Sri Lanka, emphasized the private sector's role for driving transformative change.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good morning.
It is a great pleasure to join the over 150 stakeholders present here today, including government representatives, the private sector, civil society partners, and UN colleagues.
I extend special thanks to Mr. Dilhan Fernando and Mr. Rathika de Silva from the UN Global Compact Network for organizing this significant event.
The UN Global Compact Network exemplifies the spirit of collaboration and partnership that leverages the unique strengths and resources of the private sector in achieving our shared goals.
Today’s unveiling of the Roadmap 2024 is a significant moment for us to map out a vision for corporate sustainability, mutual interests, and set forth pathways for enhanced collaboration.
Through working groups, accelerator programmes and other collaborative efforts, the Network serves as a guiding force that allows the private sector to embrace sustainability as a core aspect of their business strategy.
Across the UN system, there is a renewed emphasis on partnering with responsible business to deliver sustainable development.
The private sector has long been a supporter of the UN in Sri Lanka through individual private sector partnerships and through the UN Global Compact Network.
Businesses have historically played a pivotal role in providing support to humanitarian efforts, for example during the 2004 Tsunami, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the recent economic crisis.
As businesses become increasingly engaged in the UN’s work, our capacity for humanitarian aid is enhanced by new technologies that facilitate interventions such as cash transfers, telecommunications, and logistical support.
However, we also know that the Sustainable Development Goals also provide business with opportunities for growth.
Let me highlight a few reasons why this is the case:
Firstly, business success and development success are inherently linked.
Companies benefit from operating in healthy, thriving societies with effective infrastructure, good governance and predictable policy environments.
Secondly, the SDGs provide a comprehensive framework for businesses to engage in ethical business practices.
Today, customers, employees and wider stakeholders increasingly recognize that businesses have a legitimate and important role to play in tackling social, economic and environmental challenges.
Finally, a commitment to finding solutions to SDG challenges can open doors for business growth and innovation.
Tackling climate change, one of the greatest challenges of our time, is impossible without the support of businesses.
Innovative technologies and green solutions from the private sector offer a path forward that aligns economic objectives with environmental sustainability.
This not only contributes to sustainable development, but also presents significant opportunities for economic growth, showing us that sustainable and resilient development is good for business.
We have seen significant progress since the creation of the UN Global Compact in 2000
Since the creation of the UN Global Compact in 2000, we have seen considerable progress in engaging businesses to apply their creativity and innovation towards solving sustainable development challenges.
However, we still have a long way to go if we are to deliver for people and the planet.
As Sri Lanka strides towards economic recovery, we have an opportune moment to capitalize on our many years of partnership to address the most urgent needs that the country is facing.
As private sector leaders, you have a great responsibility to set an example as champions of sustainability and social responsibility.
Today’s event is an excellent opportunity to further this responsibility and chart a clear path towards the 2030 Agenda with credible timelines, targets and plans.
The United Nations is your partner in these endeavors.
We are committed to working with each of you to re-envision our pathway toward the SDGs and build a safer, fairer and more prosperous future – together.